1.Pull the parking brake pull rod with a force of approximately 200 N and count the number of notches.
Standard value: 11 - 13 notches

2.If the parking brake pull rod stroke is not the standard value, adjust as described below.
(1) Loosen the adjusting nut to move it to the cable rod end so that the cable will be free.
(2) Depress the brake pedal repeatedly until the brake pedal has no change in its stroke.
note Depressing the brake pedal repeatedly adjusts shoe clearance correctly.
caution If the parking brake pull rod stroke is below the standard value and the braking is too firm, the rear brakes may drag.
Adjust with the adjusting nut so that the joint and the equalizer are vertical as shown in the figure.
(4) After adjusting the parking brake pull rod stroke, jack up the rear end of the vehicle, and then release the parking brake and turn the rear wheels to check that the rear brakes are not dragging.